How To Fix a Spray Hose

By: Fix-It Club
A spray hose is attached under the sink at the base of the spout assembly. The entire spray assembly can be removed from the top of the sink by unscrewing it and pulling it out through the hose guide.

Many modern sink faucets are fitted with spray hose units, and these units occasionally leak or malfunction. The assembly has a diverter valve within the spout body, a flexible hose connected to the spout under the sink, and a spray head with an activating lever and an aerator assembly. The spray head body and lever are part of a sealed unit; if it malfunctions, the unit must be replaced with an identical unit. Other parts of the spray system, however, can be repaired.

In this section, we'll provide detailed instructions on how to service the various parts of a spray hose. We'll start by discussing repairs to the aerator on the next page.


Not what you're looking for? Try these:

  • Plumbing: Tackling plumbing problems in the home can be quite daunting. Don't dismay -- the plumbing tips detailed in this article are sure to help, even if helping means advice on when to call a plumber.
  • How to Fix Sinks, Tubs, and Drains: Plumbing issues related to sinks, tubs, and drains, can be fixed by the average homeowner...if you have some tips under your belt to help you identify and fix the problem. Find such tips in this article.
  • Plumbing Troubleshooting: Sometimes figuring out what's wrong with your toilet, drain, or other plumbing-related area is half the battle. Find helpful troubleshooting tips here.
  • Plumbing Tools: You may already have many of the tools necessary for most plumbing jobs because they are the same tools used for other do-it-yourself projects. Find out about special plumbing tools, such as pipe wrenches, in this article.

Repairing an Aerator

The aerator portion of the spray head is similar to a faucet aerator. If aeration is inadequate or water squirts off at various angles, the aerator screen has become clogged with sediment or mineral deposits and must be cleaned.

To repair an aerator:Step 4: Reassemble aerator, making sure you get all parts positioned in proper order and direction.Learn the basics of repairing a flexible sink hose in the next section.


Not what you're looking for? Try these:

  • Plumbing: Tackling plumbing problems in the home can be quite daunting. Don't dismay -- the plumbing tips detailed in this article are sure to help, even if helping means advice on when to call a plumber.
  • How to Fix Sinks, Tubs, and Drains: Plumbing issues related to sinks, tubs, and drains, can be fixed by the average homeowner...if you have some tips under your belt to help you identify and fix the problem. Find such tips in this article.
  • Plumbing Troubleshooting: Sometimes figuring out what's wrong with your toilet, drain, or other plumbing-related area is half the battle. Find helpful troubleshooting tips here.
  • Plumbing Tools: You may already have many of the tools necessary for most plumbing jobs because they are the same tools used for other do-it-yourself projects. Find out about special plumbing tools, such as pipe wrenches, in this article.

Repairing a Flexible Sink Hose

Water dripping off the flexible hose beneath the sink indicates a leak at the hose-to-spout connection, the hose-to-spray-head connection, or somewhere in the hose itself.

To repair the hose:Step 3. If leak continues, disconnect hose, apply plumbers' joint compound or wrap plumbers' joint tape around threads, and reconnect hose. The easiest way to spot leak in hose is to inspect it inch by inch under strong light while water is running through it. Look particularly for tiny cracks, chafes, or indications of some mechanical damage. Temporary repairs can be made by wrapping slightly damaged section of hose with vinyl electrical tape, but replacement of the hose will probably be necessary eventually.Find out how to identify a problem with a sink or tub diverter valve on the next page.


Not what you're looking for? Try these:

  • Plumbing: Tackling plumbing problems in the home can be quite daunting. Don't dismay -- the plumbing tips detailed in this article are sure to help, even if helping means advice on when to call a plumber.
  • How to Fix Sinks, Tubs, and Drains: Plumbing issues related to sinks, tubs, and drains, can be fixed by the average homeowner...if you have some tips under your belt to help you identify and fix the problem. Find such tips in this article.
  • Plumbing Troubleshooting: Sometimes figuring out what's wrong with your toilet, drain, or other plumbing-related area is half the battle. Find helpful troubleshooting tips here.
  • Plumbing Tools: You may already have many of the tools necessary for most plumbing jobs because they are the same tools used for other do-it-yourself projects. Find out about special plumbing tools, such as pipe wrenches, in this article.

Checking a Sink or Tub Diverter Valve

Uneven water flow, low pressure when the pressure at other faucets seems all right, or troublesome switching back and forth from spray head to sink spout can be caused by a malfunctioning diverter valve or by a restricted hose.

To check the diverter valve:Step 4: As needed, replace hose. If you can't get exact replacement, adapters are available for connecting other types and sizes.If indeed you locate a problem with the diverter valve, check out the next section for tips on how to fix it.


Not what you're looking for? Try these:

  • Plumbing: Tackling plumbing problems in the home can be quite daunting. Don't dismay -- the plumbing tips detailed in this article are sure to help, even if helping means advice on when to call a plumber.
  • How to Fix Sinks, Tubs, and Drains: Plumbing issues related to sinks, tubs, and drains, can be fixed by the average homeowner...if you have some tips under your belt to help you identify and fix the problem. Find such tips in this article.
  • Plumbing Troubleshooting: Sometimes figuring out what's wrong with your toilet, drain, or other plumbing-related area is half the battle. Find helpful troubleshooting tips here.
  • Plumbing Tools: You may already have many of the tools necessary for most plumbing jobs because they are the same tools used for other do-it-yourself projects. Find out about special plumbing tools, such as pipe wrenches, in this article.

Servicing a Sink or Tub Diverter Valve

After you've determined there is a problem with your diverter valve, follow these steps to help you get things working again.

To service the diverter valve:Step 3: Reassemble and reinstall valve, then test unit. If it still operates poorly, you will probably have to replace valve. Replacement must be exact, so take faucet manufacturer's name and unit model number or old valve with you when you buy new valve.As you can see, myriad problems can go wrong with your faucet's spray hose. Fortunately, there are myraid solutions, too. Use the tips featured in this article to first help you identify the problem and then help you fix it!


Not what you're looking for? Try these:

  • Plumbing: Tackling plumbing problems in the home can be quite daunting. Don't dismay -- the plumbing tips detailed in this article are sure to help, even if helping means advice on when to call a plumber.
  • How to Fix Sinks, Tubs, and Drains: Plumbing issues related to sinks, tubs, and drains, can be fixed by the average homeowner...if you have some tips under your belt to help you identify and fix the problem. Find such tips in this article.
  • Plumbing Troubleshooting: Sometimes figuring out what's wrong with your toilet, drain, or other plumbing-related area is half the battle. Find helpful troubleshooting tips here.
  • Plumbing Tools: You may already have many of the tools necessary for most plumbing jobs because they are the same tools used for other do-it-yourself projects. Find out about special plumbing tools, such as pipe wrenches, in this article.