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Oleander Is a Poisonous Plant, Not a Cure for COVID-19

Despite being pretty in pink, oleander is a highly poisonous plant. And now it's being touted as a cure for COVID-19. We'll break down the facts from fiction.

Where Do Silverfish Come From and How Do You Get Rid of Them?

You may have spotted these insects in your home. But are they bad to have around? And how do you get rid of them?

Foxglove Flower: The Beautiful Bloom That's Good (and Bad) for Your Heart

This pretty flower has been known for centuries to have chemicals that can regulate your heartbeat but also poison you.

Biophilic Design: How Bringing the Outside Inside Makes You Happy

Biophilia is the idea that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and it can help us to transform the way we live.

10 Awesome Uses for Duct Tape

Whether it's getting rid of a wart, protecting your boots from the elements or crafting roses, duct tape is up to the challenge. Duct tape even played a supporting role on the Apollo 13 lunar mission.

12 Sunflowers Facts for Beginner Gardeners

Sunflowers are incredibly tough and can be grown in almost any soil. Plus, it's hard not to smile when you see a field of these bright yellow rays.

12 Amazing WD40 Uses

There are thousands of reported uses for WD-40, an aerosol lubricant that's as handy as duct tape. We look at 12 of the more creative ones we've found for this miracle product.

How Many Houseplants Do You Need for Good Indoor Air Quality?

For decades we've been told having houseplants can improve our indoor air quality. So, do you need to live in a veritable jungle for this to ring true?

Painter's Tape vs. Masking Tape: What's the Difference?

Two of the most commonly used tape products on the market are painter's tape and masking tape, but they shouldn't be used interchangeably. We'll explain why.

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