Search Results | smart homes

Your search for "smart homes" returned 166 results

How to Tap a Keg

It's the centerpiece of many festive occasions. It keeps beer fresh and makes it portable. So how is it designed and manufactured? And where does it go when its party days are over?

How to Hang Wallpaper

Wallpapers come in a wide assortment of materials and styles. They are easier to handle and more rip-resistant. Learn how to hang wallpaper.

A Guide to Kitchen Remodeling Materials

So you want to remodel your kitchen? First, read this guide on kitchen remodeling materials. It has advice on everything from cabinets to flooring.

10 Cool Tools

Unlike the hammers and chisels collecting cobwebs in garages everywhere, these high-tech tools have worked on everything from revolving water slides to boxing robots.

Kids' Bedroom Decorating Ideas

Color and furniture can be used to execute a limitless number of themes for a child's bedroom. Check out these kids' bedroom decorating ideas.

Top 10 Green Advances in Commercial Building

Commercial buildings are getting in on the eco-building trend. Read about the top 10 green advances in commercial building at HowStuffWorks.

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