Search Results | lighting

Your search for "lighting" returned 731 results

5 Tips to Select an Outdoor Sauna

Are you wondering about tips to select an outdoor sauna? Learn about tips to select an outdoor sauna in this article.

How Universal Remotes Work

If you have different remotes for your TV, DVR, stereo system and DVD player that are cluttering your coffee table, a universal remote that controls all your electronics may be just what you need.

How Spray Paint Works

Spray paint has left an indelible mark on world culture. How did it go from home-improvement solution to cultural icon? Find out in How Spray Paint Works.

10 Must-haves in a Storm Survival Kit

Don't wait until there are storms in the forecast to get prepared. Gather the 10 must-have items for your storm survival kit now.

How do landscapers analyze sites?

Landscapers analyze sites using a number of methods. Learn more about how landscapers analyze sites at HowStuffWorks.

How to Clean Your Home Furnishings

Cleaning your home furnishings should be a key part of your home-improvement routine. Follow these suggestions for cleaning your furnishings.

10 Ways to Alter Your Existing Floor Plan

If you've outgrown your home but don't want to (or can't) move, it may be time for a "renovation intervention." Here are some ways to expand your existing floor space.

How Bonsai Works

Bonsai is an ancient form of gardening that many consider to be art. Learn more about bonsai and the rich history that comes with it.

How to Remove Furniture Polish Stains

Furniture polish stains can ruin that proud moment of showcasing your home. Also, cleaning your furniture with oily polishes can lead to even more household cleaning. Learn to remove furniture polish stains.

How to Remove Lipstick Makeup Stains

Lipstick looks lovely on lips but not so hot on laundry. Learn stain removal techniques that will help keep your lipstick and makeup where it belongs.

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