Find Reclaimed Building Materials Near You


Once you get your full compliment of used and refurbished tools, the search is on for reclaimed and used building materials for your home project. If local resources like your city's Craigslist don't help you find what your looking for, log on and have a look at PlanetReuse.

Designed for anyone who needs to buy or sell reclaimed, reused or excess materials and tools, PlanetReuse gives an online home to sellers, who create (free!) listings for their products including pictures, a verbal description, quantity and cost; buyers can browse by a number of categories including location, material and product to find what they are looking for. Designers and architects (or just interested individuals) who have projects trying to qualify for LEED certification can see the travel distance by looking at the more in-depth listing page; a message board is there to help provide answers for questions about a listing. ::PlanetReuse


[via Dwell Daily]

Difficulty level: Easy


