How to Plant a Mango Seed

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Woman's hand holding a peeled open mango pit to reveal the seed.
You can plant the seed that hides inside the husk of a mango. Wikimedia Commons

Gardening enthusiasts often seek the joy of growing fruit trees, and what could be more rewarding than nurturing a mango plant from a humble beginning? Planting a mango seed is an exciting journey into the world of tropical gardening.

This guide aims to unravel the mystery behind successfully planting a mango seed, ensuring a rewarding experience for both novice and experienced gardeners. By following these detailed steps, you'll be on your way to enjoying your very own mango plant mangos.


Steps For Planting Mango Seeds

1. Selecting the Right Mango Seed

Choosing the right mango seed is crucial for a successful planting. Look for a viable seed from a healthy, ripe mango, as these tend to germinate more effectively. Avoid seeds from overly ripe or underripe fruits, as their viability may be compromised.

The selected seed should be plump, without any cracks or signs of rot. Remember, the health of mango seedlings directly influence the future growth of the mango tree grown [source: Martha Stewart].


2. Preparing the Seed for Planting

Before planting, the mango seed needs to be prepared properly. Carefully remove the outer seed husk to reveal the inner seed. Soak it in water for 24 hours then wrap the seed in a damp paper towel and store it in a sealed bag. Keep the bag in a warm, bright location to help soften the outer layer and encourage germination. Don't remove it until green growth appears [source: Better Homes & Gardens].

Be gentle during this process to avoid damaging the seed, as this could affect its ability to sprout.

3. Choosing the Right Soil

Mango seeds thrive in rich, well-draining soil. Mix equal parts of compost, potting soil, and sand to create an ideal growing medium. This combination keeps the soil moist and ensures the proper drainage while providing essential nutrients for the seed's growth. The right soil is a cornerstone for a healthy tree.

4. Planting the Seed

Plant mango seedlings in a large pot with the prepared soil mix. Place the seed horizontally, covering it with about an inch of soil. It's important not to bury the seed too deeply, as this could hinder its growth.

Water the soil lightly, keeping it moist but not waterlogged. Proper planting depth and moisture levels are key to successful germination [source: Better Homes & Gardens].

5. Ideal Growing Conditions

Mango seeds like a tropical environment. They need warm, humid conditions to germinate. Place the pot in a warm spot with indirect sunlight. You can also use a heat mat to maintain a consistent temperature if needed [source: Better Homes & Gardens].

The ideal temperature for seed germination is around 65°F to 95°F (24°C to 29°C) [source: Martha Stewart]. Regularly check the soil's moisture level, ensuring it remains damp but not soggy.

6. Patience is Key

Germination can take anywhere from two to four weeks. During this time, it's important to be patient and maintain the growing conditions. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to fungal growth or rot.

If the seed hasn't sprouted after four weeks, consider starting again with a new seed.

7. Seedling Care

Once your seed sprouts, continue to provide it with proper care. Ensure it receives plenty of indirect sunlight and keep the soil consistently moist. As the seedling grows, you may need to transplant it to a larger pot to accommodate its growing root system.

8. Fertilizing the Seedling

Fertilize your seedling every four to six weeks with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as this can damage the young plant. Proper nutrition is crucial for the seedling to develop into a strong tree that will produce fruit.

9. Pruning and Training

As your mango tree grows, it may require pruning to encourage a strong structure. Remove any weak or dead branches and shape the tree to promote air circulation and sunlight exposure. Proper pruning ensures a healthy growth pattern and increases tropical fruit production [source: WikiHow].

10. Transplanting to the Garden

Once your mango tree outgrows its pot, it's time to transplant it into the garden. Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Plant the tree at the same depth it was in the pot, and water it thoroughly after planting.

Remember, mango trees need space to grow, so provide plenty of room for its canopy to spread.



Planting a mango seed is a fulfilling experience that requires patience, care, and attention. By following these steps, you'll nurture your mango seed from a mere kernel to a flourishing new mango plant, ready to bear edible fruit.

With dedication and the right conditions, you'll enjoy the sweet rewards of your labor in the years to come.


Mango Seed FAQ

Can you grow a mango from seed?
Yes, you can grow a mango tree from a seed, found inside the fruit. However, it takes quite a bit of work and patience.
How long do mango trees take to grow?
Mango trees require quite a bit of attention and on average, take 10 years to bear any fruit if started from seed. If grafted from another tree, you may start seeing fruit within three to four years.
What is the best time to plant a mango seed?
Mango seeds are best planted in the summer, as there are many hours of sunlight, helping the tree grow.
How do you prepare a mango seed for planting?
You can prepare a mango seed for planting by clearing all the fruit away from the husk and then cutting open the husk. Remove the seed inside and throw away or compost the husk.
How long does it take for a mango seed to produce fruit?
A typical mango tree requires 10 years from the time it’s planted from seed to bear fruit.

