Search Results | squash

Your search for "squash" returned 26 results

What veggies can you grow in a shady yard?

What veggies can you grow in a shady yard? Find out which vegetables thrive in a shaded garden.

Microwave Tips

Microwaves are great time-savers, but cooking in them is different than using an oven or the top of a range. Learn handy tips for using a microwave.

How to Choose the Best Trellis for Your Garden

If you're looking to spruce up your garden, a trellis might be just the thing. We'll explain what a trellis can do for your garden and what the different types are.

Caring for a Vegetable Garden

Successful vegetable gardens need to be weeded, watered, fertilized, and maintained all through the growing season to ensure a bountiful crop. Learn everything you need to know about caring for a vegetable garden.

Keeping a Garden Log

Keeping a garden log is a little used but helpful tool in maintaining your garden. Learn what to note down and how to use it at HowStuffWorks.

How to Create a Natural Skunk Repellent

Skunks are pesky, omnivorous animals that can be kept away from your property with natural repellents. Learn how to make your own natural skunk repellent in this article.

Square Foot Gardening: The Planting Method Created By an Engineer

Square Foot Gardening is great for people who want to grow their own veggies and who also like very specific instructions.

What's the best way to keep pests out of my home?

Home pest control isn't always chemical agents that exterminators spray -- there are green alternatives. Read about home pest control for your home.

Planting a Garden

The garden of your dreams doesn’t exist until you plant it. The tips in this article will guide you through all aspects of planting a garden.

Uses for Annuals

Annual plants fill your landscape with color and fragrance, adorn your vases with bouquets, and provide a harvest of vegetables and herbs. Learn about the many ways to use annual plants.

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