How to Clean Your Room in a Fast and Fun Way

Speed Cleaning Tips for Bedrooms

Cleaning up a messy bedroom can seem like a daunting task, but if you prepare a simple plan, you can clean up thoroughly and in record time. Assess your bedroom and the time you need to really get involved in the process. You can get a lot done in a short amount of time if you map it out well!

Here's a basic speed cleaning roadmap to kick your routine in high gear:


  • First, bring in a garbage bag and pick up trash around the room. Getting garbage out of the way ensures you'll avoid spills or soiling linens while cleaning.
  • Next, take care of the bed. An uncluttered bed with a smooth blanket and neat pillows sets the tone for the entire room. If you have time to change the sheets, do it first. If not, shake out the blanket on a patch of the floor to refresh it, and then make the bed. A neat bed can also hold items such as picture frames or books, where you can neatly line them up and easily put them back after cleaning.
  • Put clutter in its place. Straighten nightstand items, such as lamps and knickknacks, and bring any kitchen items back to their rightful place. Place clothes either in the laundry bin, or make a pile in your closet to fold later. If you have items from other rooms lying around, start a sorting pile that you can remove and deal with later. We want the bedroom to be clean, and not turn into a game of "Where does this go?"
  • Wipe down the furniture with microfiber dust wipes. Who needs polishing spray and a rag when you're in a hurry! Pre-cut and folded microfiber cloths work great to dust furniture, a TV, bookshelves and picture frames.
  • Vacuum or sweep the floor. This is an essential step, since a lot of dust and crumbs settle here. A quick run around the room will be effective. If you have more time, go for a second spin.

To be consistent, start in one corner of the room and work your way around it in one direction. If you move aimlessly around, you can lose focus. Also, try to attack one chore at a time, instead of doing multiple chores at once. If you don't have time to vacuum or dust your blinds and you try anyway, you won't complete the job well.