
Have you got dust bunnies the size of elephants? It's probably time to clean up. Get some easy tips and techniques to get you started.

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An unsightly stain on your favorite shirt or dress can be such an annoyance. Learn how to get stains out of clothes.

By Alia Hoyt & the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

If you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done, you might need a new way of organizing your tasks. Try these tips for setting a schedule and staying on track.

By Rebecca Regan

Toothpaste is for cleaning your pearly whites, right? True, but there are other cool uses for it that you may not know about. Here are nine of them.

By Alia Hoyt


Most people keep up with cleaning the toilet bowls, but the tanks are often overlooked. Which means mold and bacteria are festering!

By Emilie Sennebogen

You love to cook on your glass-top stove, but taking care of it isn't as simple as it seems. Burnt food and spills don't have to ruin the look of your stove or prevent you from cooking up a storm.

By Alia Hoyt & Stefani Newman

Your bedroom is a place for unwinding and leisure, but it gets just as messy as the rest of your home. If you're short on time but in need to clean, here are tips and tricks to spruce up your bedroom without spending the day straightening up.

By Stefani Newman