A hybrid water heater is a feat of engineering efficiency that few homeowners know all that much about. Realistically, most of us only ever think about our water heaters when the when the taps run cold. Even then, most homes are outfitted with tank or tankless water heaters.
Ignoring out water heaters is so common that in fact, water heaters were one of the more recent household appliances recognized by Energy Star, the government program that certifies the energy-efficiency of appliances. Even though water heaters generally use the most energy of any home appliance, Energy Star didn't start regulating their energy usage until 2008 [source: Green].
It's crazy to think about, when you consider that a water heater can account for as much as 17 percent of a home's total energy usage [source: Green]. If you want to make your home more energy efficient, look to your water heater. And, when it comes to energy efficiency, things don't get better than hybrid hot water heaters.