Description of periwinkle: Periwinkle is a trailing plant about 6 inches high with small, oval, opposite, dark green, shiny, evergreen leaves. In spring, 5-petaled flowers, about 3/4-inch in diameter, are borne on short stems in a lovely shade of blue. Periwinkle ease of care: Easy.
How to grow periwinkle: Periwinkles will grow in full sun, but they prefer light or partial shade. Good, well-drained garden soil is best. Note: This plant is invasive in some regions.
Propagating periwinkle: By division or by cuttings.
Uses for periwinkle: An excellent ground cover, periwinkle is also a welcome change when planted along the edge of beds or borders and lining flagstone or brick walks.
Periwinkle related varieties: 'Alba' has pure white flowers, larger than the species. 'Bowles Variety' is more compact than the species, with profuse flowering into May.
Scientific name for periwinkle: Vinca minor