
©2007 Publications International, Ltd. Okra flowers show that this vegetable is a member of the hibiscus family. See more pictures of okra & okra recipes.

Okra is a staple of southern cuisine. That's probably because okra is a warm-weather plant -- but the good news is that okra can be grown just about anywhere. In this article, we'll talk about growing and harvesting okra.

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About Okra

Okra, a member of the cotton and hibiscus family, is an erect, tender annual with hairy stems and large maple-like leaves. It grows from 3 to 6 feet tall, and has large flowers that took like yellow hibiscus blossoms with red or purplish centers.

Common Name: Okra

Scientific Name: Hibiscus esculentus

Hardiness: Very tender (harvest before first frost)

Are you planning to add a little okra to your vegetable garden? Go to the next page for our okra-growing tips.

Want even more information about okra? Try these links:


Growing Okra

One easy way to include more okra in your diet is to add okra to your vegetable garden. Okra is very sensitive to cold; the yield decreases with temperatures less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit. However, okra has a short season, which permits it to be grown almost anywhere in the United States. The plant will grow in any warm, well-drained soil and needs a place in full sun.

Plant okra from seed in your garden about four weeks after the average date of last frost. Plant the seeds 1/2 to 1 inch deep. When the seedlings are growing strongly, thin them to stand 12 to 18 inches apart. Keep the plants on the dry side. The stems rot easily in wet or cold conditions. Okra will grow for a year if not killed by frost and if old pods are not left on the plant.


Harvesting Okra

The time from planting to harvest is 50 to 65 days. When mature, the pods are 6 to 10 inches long and filled with buckshot-like seeds. When the plants begin to set their pods, harvest them at least every other day. Pods grow quickly, and unless the older ones are cut off, the plant will stop producing new ones. Keep picking the pods when they're quite small; the pods are less gluey when they're only about two inches long.

Okra Types

Grow these different types of okra, depending on the length of your season:

  • Clemson Spineless, which should be harvested 56 days after planting, is an All America Selection. It is a compact plant with dark green, straiht, spineless pods.
  • Annie Oakley is a compact variety with a short season. Harvest in 52 days.
Want even more information about okra? Try these links:


