Have you got dust bunnies the size of elephants? It's probably time to clean up. Get some easy tips and techniques to get you started.
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The Downy fabric-softener ball has to be one of the simplest inventions ever. Learn how this fabric-softener ball uses Newton's first law of motion with the help of this article.
Towels are always made of cotton, and they work really well at absorbing water. On the other hand, water-repellant jackets are made of nylon, and they work pretty well at keeping you dry. Why is cotton more absorbent than nylon?
You are so excited to wear your new blue jeans, but the tag tells you to wash them first. What's up with this? Check out this article to learn why you might want to wash those jeans first after all.
Zippers are found on so many products. But have you ever noticed that "YKK" is on the pull-tab of most zippers? Find out where these mysterious initials come from.
There is at least one big advantage that the air outside the house has over the air inside the house. Check out this article to learn what that is.
Clothes moths can be a real problem in clothes made from natural fibers (especially wool). To combat this, use moth balls. But first, read this article to find out what moth balls are made of and whether they are harmful to your health.
If you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done, you might need a new way of organizing your tasks. Try these tips for setting a schedule and staying on track.
Wouldn't it be great if you never had to pay for dry cleaning again? A steam dryer could make that wish a reality for you. And its washer companion could cleanse mildew, cat dander and other allergens out of your clothes.
By Jane McGrath
At the end of a long day, you want nothing more than to flop down in front of your flat-screen TV and zone out. But if you come face-to-face with a dusty, dirty LCD screen, you may want to clean it first. So how do you properly clean an LCD screen?
Cleaning glass, whether it's a window, a mirror or a coffee table, is more about the tools than the elbow grease. With the right stuff in your bucket, you can get your glass streak-free.
By Julia Layton & Alia Hoyt
You may not want to think about it now, but your shiny new cell phone will soon become encrusted with fingerprints, dust and all manner of filth. But how do you clean such a delicate piece of machinery? Very, very carefully.
By Dave Roos
You probably don't spend much time stressing over printer maintenance. Printers are generally pretty easy to use, but they can get dirty and clogged. How do you clean one effectively?
Dirty bathrooms are gross. Really gross. Your bathroom should be cleaned at least once a week to keep it sanitary, as well as sparkling. Learn how to eliminate the dirt and scum from your bathroom.
Whatever happened to good ol' polyester? If all the different synthetic fabrics have you confused, read this article for tips and guidelines on how to clean many of the bunch.
An unsightly stain on your favorite shirt or dress can be such an annoyance. Learn how to get stains out of clothes.
By Alia Hoyt & the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.
It's all fun and games until your game system malfunctions. Why stare at a frozen screen in disbelief when you can prevent mishaps with regular cleaning? Here's how to keep things in working order.
For a lot of people, their shower is the sanctuary. A place to get away for a few minutes a day without any interruptions. It also can be a breeding ground for mold, mildew and grime. But, a few steps after you shower can deter the dirt.
Most people keep up with cleaning the toilet bowls, but the tanks are often overlooked. Which means mold and bacteria are festering!
Your bedroom is a place for unwinding and leisure, but it gets just as messy as the rest of your home. If you're short on time but in need to clean, here are tips and tricks to spruce up your bedroom without spending the day straightening up.
Toothpaste is for cleaning your pearly whites, right? True, but there are other cool uses for it that you may not know about. Here are nine of them.
By Alia Hoyt
Granite countertops make lovely additions to any home, but they can become unsightly if you don't know how to clean them properly. We'll show you how.
Maybe your toilet won't ever be the prettiest fixture in your house, but it shouldn't be covered in ugly calcium deposits, either! Learn why these stains occur and how to banish them!
By Alia Hoyt
Minerals may be good for the body, but they're not so great for the toilet. How can you remove those nasty hard water stains they leave in your toilet bowl anyway?
No matter how careful you are or how little you're actually painting, it's inevitable that some will end up on your clothes. We've got some tips to help save your threads.
By Sara Elliott
If you've simply been adding bleach to your loads of white clothing, towels and sheets, and wondering why they're not, in fact, white, you probably want to read this. It takes just a few small changes to get dingy back to crisp.
By Julia Layton