Insect Control

Prevention is key to keeping your house and yard pest and insect free. Gather some tips for keeping the critters at bay in this section.

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Is that batch of bug spray you have left from last summer still effective? If it is, for how long?

By Suzie Dundas

You might see them hanging out around your kitchen drain. They're annoying yet tiny — they're drain flies. So how do you get rid of them?

By Allison Troutner

Although not as annoying as itchy bump-inducing mosquitoes or stinging wasps, the so-called "June bug," or June beetle, can still bring its own brand of trouble, come late spring.

By Alia Hoyt & Austin Henderson


A tiny critter with a snout, known as the weevil bug, may be crawling around your pantry. And if there's one, there could be thousands! But how do you get rid of weevils? Let's find out!

By Alia Hoyt

You may have spotted these insects in your home. But are they bad to have around? And how do you get rid of them?

By Alia Hoyt

Our world is full of insects, and our first response to seeing one is usually to reach for a can of spray to zap it. Is this good idea? What's in your typical can of bug spray? And, could it harm you, too?

By Beth Brindle

Townhouse dwellers get to share a lot of things -- driveways, outdoor spaces, walls and occasionally pest infestations, too. Learn how to keep pests away from your townhome.

By Cherise Threewitt


No one likes the sight of a cockroach scurrying across your kitchen wall, and if you see one during the day, it's officially time to worry. Is it a sign of an infestation?

By Karen Kirkpatrick

You're cleaning up your lovely home one day when your vacuum cleaner attachment goes right through your wood floor! What does this mean for your home and how do you fix it?

By Marie Willsey

For being tiny, termites can cause an amazing amount of destruction. Which termites might wreak havoc in your home, and what kind of damage will they do?

By Debra Ronca

Termites cause $5 billion worth of damage in the U.S. every year. For a bug that's about the size of an ant, that's a lot of destruction.

By Debra Ronca


Termites are nasty customers, but they don't have to be a deal-breaker when you're buying a home. An expert can help you know what you're dealing with.

By Sara Elliott

Termites may be small, but they sure are hungry -- hungry enough to eat your entire house! Here's how to spot and repair the damage they cause.

By Marie Willsey

Termites may be tiny, but they can pack a mighty wallop -- mainly to the structure of your house. Luckily for you, it's not that hard to keep them out.

By Marie Willsey

While there are several advantages to renting an apartment, sharing a space with other people often means sharing things you don't necessarily want. Like bugs.

By Patrick E. George


Why even consider buying a house with termite damage? Well, some people won't. Others, though, stick around to consider the options -- and possibly negotiate a big discount on the home.

By Julia Layton

While you could chase a fly around with a swatter (or a shoe) all day long, one of the best ways to combat flies is to go after them where they breed.

By Patrick E. George

Ants sure know how to ruin a good time, and picnics don't have the market cornered. They can be anywhere from your recycling bin to your bathroom.

By Emilie Sennebogen

Cockroaches are nasty little critters and one of the worst things about them is you never know where they're hiding. We'll tell you 10 places they could be and how to get rid of them.

By Terri Briseno & Austin Henderson


Ants are a year-round nuisance in homes and buildings. Where do they come from? This article discusses the various locations where ants can build nests.

By Stefani Newman

Most ants are opportunistic feeders; they'll eat just about anything. There are some ant species that do have preferences, though.

By Sara Elliott

If you live on planet Earth, it's pretty much guaranteed you've had a run-in with a cockroach. Here's how to prevent it from happening frequently.

By Emilie Sennebogen

In the battle of the bugs, which is worse for your home: termites or ants? The answer may surprise you.

By Sarah Winkler


Fire ants are aggressive insects that can inflict bites and venomous stings when they feel threatened. If you've been bitten, you know the experience is no laughing matter.

By Sara Elliott

Termites can wreak havoc on a home, so you should always be on the lookout for an infestation. But what should you look for?

By Sara Elliott