Real Estate

Buying or selling a home is a big move and can be stressful. We have tips and in-depth articles on everything from mortgages to home equity loans.

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Some houses are big but these six are some of the biggest houses in the world. Think palaces with air-conditioned stables and skyscrapers with rooms that snow.

By Alia Hoyt

When it comes to buying that spooky-ish-looking Victorian mansion, the word is "buyer beware." No states mandate disclosure that a house is haunted and only a few require disclosure if the seller is asked directly.

By Dave Roos

If you own a home, you most likely have homeowners insurance, but how sure are you about what is and isn't covered under your policy?

By Patrick J. Kiger


You'll deal with a lot of different people in your quest to buy or sell a home: a realtor, inspector and lender. But the one who might have the most power over the outcome is the appraiser. Learn how to get the best appraisal.

By Dave Roos

That friend or relative who said they only needed somewhere to stay for a few days is still on your couch a few months later. Getting them out legally might be harder than you think.

By Dave Roos

The home-sharing marketplace is booming but you could be exposed to liability without the proper insurance.

By Sarah Gleim

Millennials are buying homes in record numbers — for their dogs.

By Sarah Gleim


Space isn't so far away, and falling junk can cause personal and property damage. What to do? The risk and remedies aren’t completely clear.

By Patrick J. Kiger

In the midst of the 2008 housing crisis, the U.S. government introduced a program to encourage consumers to buy houses by offering a tax credit. It was expanded in 2009 and 2010. But did it ultimately help or hurt homebuyers and sellers?

By Alia Hoyt

When you can't afford your mortgage any longer and don't want to foreclose, a short sale seems like a good idea. How do you qualify for one, and what should you watch out for?

By Dave Roos

So, you've found the perfect apartment -- the location is great, there's lots of space, and you're ready to move in with some close friends. But before you pack everything up, make sure you take a close look at the lease.

By Brian Boone


Condo fees pay for ongoing costs like landscaping as well as into reserves for major expenses like replacing the roof. How can you tell if your association has enough set aside so they won't be hitting you up later?

By Becky Striepe

Condo living seems pretty sweet -- until your HOA slaps you with an unexpected assessment fee. What exactly are you paying for?

By Christine Venzon

They have a lot of the same perks that condos do, but in a townhome, you're only sharing the walls with neighbors, not the ceiling and floor. You'll need to keep a few questions in mind if you're thinking of buying one, though.

By Jessika Toothman

You've submitted several claims to your insurance company this year. Is there a chance they'll cancel your homeowner's policy? Possibly.

By John Perritano


Keep meaning to create a home inventory for insurance? Don't wait until it's too late.

By John Perritano

You probably never think about flood insurance until you need it -- and then it's too late. But what's so different about this type of homeowners insurance and how can you be sure you're covered, just in case?

By John Perritano

Paying for homeowners insurance may seem like money down the drain -- until you actually need it. We'll tell you 10 reasons why you do.

By John Perritano

Making a new life abroad will probably have some hiccups. So will making a new life in the next state, for that matter. But with some good, solid planning, you can absolutely make it work.

By Julia Layton


Your stuff is boxed up, and you know where it's all supposed to go in your new place. But what else should you do to do to prepare for the moving pros?

By Jill Jaracz

In a bad housing market, the option of rent-to-own property is an ideal compromise, which benefits both the buyer and the seller. Learn more about what option fees and rent premiums are from this article.

By Contributors

Homeowners insurance can give you back a normal life after your house or possessions are damaged or lost. Learn about whether you need homeowners insurance from this article.

By Contributors

There's a lot to take into consideration with any move, but a long-distance one can throw even more curveballs your way. Use this article as a handy checklist so your move goes smoothly.

By Sara Elliott


Home is where the heart is, but if your heart is in the right or wrong ZIP code it can certainly affect your house's value. We take a look at some notable examples and the lessons they provide.

By Joseph Miller

Ever wonder where the rich and famous live in the United States? Wonder no more. While there are hundreds of possibilities, we'll narrow it down to the top 10, including the longtime bearers of wealth and the up-and-comers of the country's elite.

By Joseph Miller