Home Appliances

Home appliances make life easier, but what's really going on inside them? HowStuffWorks Home Appliances articles take a look inside common household appliances.

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Defrosting a freezer can give you more storage space and help the freezer run more efficiently. Learn about how to defrost a freezer in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Most people would like to make their appliances last longer. Learn about how to make appliances last longer in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Air conditioning has fundamentally changed how people experience the world. When it's hot outside, walking into an air-conditioned house is like walking into another season. How do air conditioners keep us cool?

By Marshall Brain, Charles W. Bryant & Sara Elliott


Yes, you do have to clean the machine that cleans your clothes! Fortunately, it's easy to do.

By Alia Hoyt & Zach Taras

If your kitchen seems too cramped or crowded, consider replacing your oven with a built-in wall unit. This article shows you how to install a wall oven.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Some people prefer to sharpen a knife by moving the blade in circles against sandpaper, while others keep the blade at an angle. Learn how to sharpen a knife with sandpaper from this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Waterless urinals still haven't quite broken through to the mainstream, but they can save users billions of gallons of water over standard models. Read on to find out how they work, and stay safe and sanitary.

By Matt Sailor


A problem with your dishwasher is easier to diagnose than you might think. Learn about how to diagnose dishwasher problems in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

If you notice that your water heater is not functioning properly, it probably needs draining. While you can hire a plumber to do it for you, you can also learn how to drain a hot water tank yourself. Read on to save money and protect your water heater.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

The price tags on some of the newer high-efficiency washing machines might cause you to hesitate. But if you look at the costs of running a washer over the long haul, something that uses less energy becomes a bit more appealing.

By Laurie L. Dove

If you have a high-efficiency washing machine, you'll need high-efficiency detergent -- or else you might find a mountain of suds in your laundry room. Which brands are best?

By Alia Hoyt & Debra Ronca


Washer/dryer combinations are compact and convenient for small spaces, eliminating the need for two separate machines. But are they really as energy efficient as they seem?

By Echo Surina

Buying a new household appliance is usually a long-term investment, whether you're replacing an old unit or setting up home for the first time. Before you buy a clothes dryer, though, you need to understand the difference between the two types that are most commonly available: gas and electric.

By Cherise Threewitt

Your clothes dryer is one of the highest energy-consuming appliances in your home. But even with all the energy-saving appliances on the market today, do high-efficiency dryers exist?

By Carol White

Should you replace your washing machine or repair it? The answer would be obvious if it were something less price like a toaster. But we can help you reach a sound decision.

By Victoria Vogt


Whether you want to protect the environment or protect your clothes from wear and tear, high-efficiency washing machines are picking up momentum in the marketplace. Talk about going green: You'll even save some cash on your electric and water bills.

By Mark Boyer

If you haven't heard of low-water or high-efficiency washing machines yet, you will the next time you go shopping for a washer. They promise to use 40 percent less water and 90 percent less energy than conventional machines. But they cost more to purchase too. Should you get one? We'll weigh the pros and cons.

By Josh Briggs

It's the centerpiece of many festive occasions. It keeps beer fresh and makes it portable. So how is it designed and manufactured? And where does it go when its party days are over?

By Oisin Curran

Does your washer-dryer combo dominate the laundry room? Is the kitchen cluttered with giant machinery? Is your dishwasher cramping your style -- and your space? Things don't have to be so cluttered, and there are gadgets out there you don't have to force into your home.

By Heather Kolich


A clear bottle depicting a pristine artesian well (presumably with some of its contents inside) versus the metal tap in your sink -- which is more enticing? But are those popular plastic conveyances really the smartest choice?

By Colleen Cancio

An informed consumer is a happy consumer. Here's the information to help you decide between a stacked or side-by-side washer-dryer and keep you smiling.

By Emilie Sennebogen

They've been bringing us relief from the heat since the late 1800s, but do you know how ceiling fans really work? And, did you know they can help keep you warm in the winter?

By Jessica Willis

You may not be able to keep up with the Joneses who bought one of those newfangled, oh-so-green front- load washers, but you can still use high-efficiency detergent in your old washer, right? We examine the answer.

By Emilie Sennebogen


The Toto Washlet, a toilet seat with a personal spray jet, is marketed as a cleaner -- and greener -- alternative to toilet paper. How does this bidet-like product work to keep you fresh?

By Shanna Freeman

Washers and dryers are some of the most convenient modern appliances around, but they typically have one major disadvantage -- too much space. Washer dryer combos attempt to solve that problem, giving you clean clothes in one cycle.

By Jessica Brown