Stain Removal

Stain removal techniques can vary drastically depending on the type of stain and the stained surface. Learn stain removal techniques.

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Furniture polish stains can ruin that proud moment of showcasing your home. Also, cleaning your furniture with oily polishes can lead to even more household cleaning. Learn to remove furniture polish stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Grass stains can ruin the memories of a summer walk through the park. If you're eager to learn how to remove grass stains from a variety of materials, you can tackle the green menace with this knowledge.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Mold is a fact of life, however you don't have to suffer its unsightly mildew stains any longer. Follow these stain removal tips to erase stains from your household surfaces.

By Editors of Consumer Guide


Despite our best efforts, dirt and mud manage to get everywhere, especially on clothes. If you're eager to learn how to get mud out of clothes, follow these stain removal tips to make a clean getaway from the dirty work!

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Mustard contains a yellow dye called turmeric, which is usually the cause of unsightly mustard stains. Follow these stain removal tips to keep your household surfaces spot-free from mustard stains.

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Crayon stains are a lot more fun to make than to get out. It's not child's play to remove these stubborn stains, but it can be done. Learn to erase crayon stains.

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Deodorant stains can be embarrassing when you're trying to make that first impression. Those unsightly white streaks can be an unpleasant sight when you're out on the town. Learn to battle deodorant stains.

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Red dye stains have intense staying power. When such a spill happens around the house and soaks into one of your favorite items, it's important to act quickly and effectively. Learn to clean red dye stains.

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Are your brains scrambled over what to do when breakfast gets out of hand? Have some easy stain removal tips on hand to avoid having your day ruined. Learn to get rid of egg stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Eyeliner, eye pencil, and eyeshadow makeup stains can get ugly. Then it's your furniture that end up needing a makeover. Avoid that ugliness with some cleaning techniques. Learn to clean these makeup stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Fabric softener stains make your freshly laundered clothes a disappointing sight. But you can soften those laundry stains so they can be removed. Learn stain removal tips to clean fabric softener stains.

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Face powder makeup stains may lead a person to blush. These embarrassing messes also can make you not want to show your face in public. Learn stain removal tips to clean face powder makeup stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Liquid foundation makeup is meant to be worn on your face, not your clothes. These stain removal techniques will turn your laundry stains into a fashion statement of their own -- less is more.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Many people use hand lotion to improve the appearance of their skin. Despite its benefits, lotion can cause some nasty laundry stains. Follow these stain removal tips to rid your household surfaces of leftover lotion.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Suntan lotion is great for preventing sunburn, but it can cause a different kind of blemish -- laundry stains. Follow these stain removal tips to treat unwanted suntan lotion spots.

By Editors of Consumer Guide


Milk and cream stains. There's no use crying over them. But there is a use for stain removal tips to remove sticky, caked-on stains when they become unmanageable. Learn to remove milk and cream stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Adhesive tape stains can leave you stuck with a difficult mess. There are simple solutions to get rid of tape tracks. Learn easy and quick stain removal methods to remove adhesive tape stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Liquor stains show your party was a success. But they also mean an unsightly mess for you to take care of. Learn easy stain removal tips to remove liquor stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Cologne and perfume stains don't have to ruin a romantic mood. Such spots can be difficult to remove once they have set in, so act quickly. Learn stain removal tips to remove these stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide


Cough syrup stains are a sticky mess and the last thing you want to deal with when you're not feeling well. Learn stain removal tips to effectively clean cough syrup stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Removing red ink stains can a real nightmare. Read on to learn ink stain removal techniques to wash, sponge, and soak these stubborn stains right out of your carpet, concrete, or laundry.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Finding a felt tip ink or Indian ink stain on a household surface is enough to make even the coolest host flip their lid. Learn ink stain removal tips that would make Mom proud.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

As if bugs weren't enough trouble, sometimes the insecticide we use to keep our many-legged friends away winds up on a household surface. Learn stain removal techniques that will keep insecticide stains at bay.

By Editors of Consumer Guide


Iodine is handy when it comes to cleaning a wound, but when it causes a laundry stain, it can be a real pain. Learn stain removal techniques that will wipe away what iodine leaves behind.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Lacquer and varnish are used to give surfaces a beautiful shine, but when it gets on the wrong surface, the result isn't pretty. Learn how to remove stubborn lacquer and varnish stains.

By Editors of Consumer Guide