Gardening is a useful and relaxing pastime. Read gardening tips and learn how to plan and care for a variety of gardens.
12 Sunflowers Facts for Beginner Gardeners
How can you recycle water for your outdoor garden?
5 Ways to Garden in Winter
Square Foot Gardening: The Planting Method Created By an Engineer
Hugelkultur Bed: Creating the Perfect Soil for Your Garden
How Deadheading Helps Flowering Plants Flourish
How to Store Canna Bulbs
Flowering Onion
11 Easiest Vegetables to Grow Throughout the Year
Companion Planting: The Do's and Don'ts of Growing Plants Together
How 'Lasagna Gardening' Helps Create Healthy Soil
How a Closed Terrarium Can Live for Decades, No Water Added
What's In Potting Soil? Everything But Soil
What Does the Money Tree Have to Do With Lunar New Year?
Ranunculus Is a Toxic Beauty With a Doozy of a Name
Tiger Lilies Are Easy-to-grow Garden Showstoppers
Caring for Forsythia, the Flaming Yellow Sign of Spring
5 Easy Medicinal Herbs You Should Know and Grow
How Do You Grow a 2,000-pound Pumpkin?
How Bog Gardens Work
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The cucamelon is about the size of a grape but it packs a big, tart punch. Just don't expect cucamelons to taste like cucumbers or watermelons!
In Victorian times, only a few plants could stand up to the fumes from coal fires and gas lamps. Now, we have a wide variety of plants to choose from.
By Alia Hoyt
How many poinsettias have languished on high shelves so children and pets can't munch on their dangerous leaves? It may all have been for naught. The poinsettia's poisonous rep is a bit unfair.
Don't have much space? That doesn't mean you have to go without a garden.
It'll save you money and help the environment. How can you grab water from your roof and your washing machine and use it to hydrate your plants?
Sure, you could take a wrecking ball to everything that casts a shadow on your yard. But it's way easier to simply plant some veggies that thrive on shade. Which seeds should you sow?
You can't always have fresh herbs, but you can have freshly dried herbs if you learn how to dry your own herbs at home. Learn how to dry herbs in this article.
You'd like to learn how to store your canna lily bulbs for next year. Here's how to store canna bulbs.
If you know how to grow sugar beets you'll always have a good source of carbohydrates, protein, minerals and vitamins. Read this article and get more information about how to grow sugar beets.
You bought a calathea plant, and now have to learn how to care for it. Learn about how to care for a calathea plant in this article.
You bought some bamboo plants to decorate your home, and now realize that you don't know how to care for them. Learn about how to care for bamboo plants this article.
Lately your friends are all talking about how easy it is to plant alfalfa seeds. Read in this article all about alfalfa and how to plant alfalfa seeds.
Millet is a popular food that's easy to grow yourself. Here's a guide to how to grow millet.
As is usually the case, time is in short supply and has been slipping away from you fast. You had great intentions of preparing your summer garden months ago, but life got in the way. Is it too late?
Flowers are gorgeous to look at, but they've also got a lot to say. There's a secret flower language we'll clue you in on -- and you might be surprised by the message your favorite bloom is sending!
By Echo Surina
If you're sneezing and scratching your eyes, it's probably because it's allergy season. Which plants are the worst hay fever offenders?
By Debra Ronca
Why do some people love flowers so much? It could be their delicate beauty or bright colors, but more than a few will cite the way they smell. There's a reason why Shakespeare felt compelled to contemplate the sweet scent of the rose, after all. Here are 10 of the most fragrant flowers around.
The desert rose plant requires moist, well-drained soil, full sunlight and warm temperatures in order to grow.
Keep rabbits out of your garden with fencing, tree guards, aromatic repellents or human hair. Learn how to keep rabbits out of your garden in this article.
One traditionally pictures a winter garden as stark and bleak, banked with snow and leaves. Just under the surface, however, a winter garden can teem with life.
Don't let your garden get the best of you; control weeds and ward off pests with one of your most common household items, aluminum foil.
By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Victoria Plummer
We can't all install an Olympic-sized swimming pool in our backyards, but that doesn't mean water features are totally out of the question. How can you use a waterfall, rock pond or birdbath to help enhance your outdoor space?
Start with a sunny windowsill and a few herb seeds and -- snip-snip, you have an instant gourmet meal. Well, it may not be quite that simple, but fresh herbs are still a great asset to have in the kitchen.
By Sara Elliott
During this season of regeneration and renewal, why not choose spring plants to add an eye-popping bouquet to your garden space? These ten spring flowers will infuse your plot with color, dimension, and fragrance.
By Echo Surina
Natural bogs and their surrounding ecosystem can take hundreds of years to form on their own. But if you're a dedicated gardener which a penchant for exotic plants and lots of moss, it's possible to make a bog garden in your backyard.