
Gardening is a useful and relaxing pastime. Read gardening tips and learn how to plan and care for a variety of gardens.

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Chili peppers can spice up a variety of dishes, making your mouth burn and your eyes water, but what makes these peppers so hot?

By M.J. Plaster

Flowers are a matter of pride for gardeners, a means of expression for lovers and they play a role in some of our most joyous and somber societal rituals. But not all flowers are bright colors and perfumed scents. Some are quite unusual.

By Heather Kolich & Austin Henderson

Now, more and more produce eaters are looking for produce grown even closer to home -- their own backyards. But it may not be as easy as planting the seed and watching it grow.

By Jessica Brown


Anyone who complains about having a brown thumb may simply be choosing the wrong plants to grow. Some plants are exceedingly sensitive and temperamental. But there are some plants that even the worst gardener would have a hard time getting rid of.

By Kathy Price-Robinson

Most cacti enjoy dry, hot environments, while orchids thrive in humid, tropical locales. Every plant has its ideal growing conditions, but sometimes Mother Nature does not cooperate. That's where man and greenhouses enter the picture.

By Jessica Brown

Annuals are primed to germinate quickly when conditions are right, grow speedily, and then make loads of flowers, fruits, roots and seeds. Learn all about annual flowers by checking out this annual flower pictures image gallery. You may get some ideas.

By Marie Bobel

These blooming plants will dazzle you with color year after year. Sit back, smell the hibiscus and check out these photos of some of our favorite perennials.

By Marie Bobel


You may think of a land full of leafy green elephants when you hear the word "topiary," but you can train and shape plants in own back yard -- or even on your office desk.

By Tonyia Cone

Succulents manage to live with a lot less water than some of their thirstier counterparts. That doesn't mean you can just neglect them and expect them to thrive though.

By Jessika Toothman & Melanie Radzicki McManus

Forget those boring plots of fruits and veggies. Why sacrifice aesthetic appeal when growing your own food? Border your garden with lettuce, use mint as ground cover and encourage your kiwi vines to climb trellises.

By Cristen Conger

Planting a few trees in your yard certainly won't obliterate your entire carbon footprint. But it could cut your energy costs. How much carbon dioxide does the average tree absorb?

By Cristen Conger


What if you could shop for fruits and veggies in your own backyard? Not only would it save you a trip to the grocery store, it might save you some cash. How much?

By Cristen Conger

Gardens have lots of benefits, but what if you don't have any land to start your own? If you're strapped for green space, a community garden might be the answer.

By Jennifer Horton

When you spend all day in a cubicle, the idea of a lush green paradise of plants sounds like wishful thinking. But container gardening just might do the trick.

By John Fuller

What has bright, blooming flowers and a sea of flapping wings? A butterfly garden. Planting one will help you to attract and conserve these winged beauties.

By Jennifer Horton


Bromeliads are plants that grow from the southern United States through Argentina. They can vary greatly in size, shape, color, and ease of growth. Learn about their characteristics and how to properly light, water, pot, and fertilize these plants.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Bromeliads are perennial plants that have one seed leaf. Bromeliads commonly grow in the American tropics, and a majority of the species are found in Brazil. These tough, long-lived plants grow well indoors, too. Learn more about types of Bromeliads.

Cacti and succulent plants come in a variety of types, sizes, shapes, and colors. Some species of cacti produce leaves, while others are known for producing flowers. They can tolerate a wide variety of climates. Learn about cacti and how to care for these plants.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Cacti and succulents, tolerant and low maintenance plants, are ideal for busy people and indoor spaces. Cacti come in many varieties, and can survive in any number of light and moisture conditions. Learn about caring for these resilient plants.

By Editors of Consumer Guide


Rose campion is a beautiful, tall, and colorful garden classic that oozes nostalgic charm. Popular in English gardens as long ago as 1597, this classic garden plant makes a good cut flower. Learn about this plant, its history, and its uses.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) originally came from Europe. The fragrant, white flowers hang like small bells on their five to eight-inch stems. Read more about when to buy, how to care for, and how to arrange these beautiful flowers.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Recreate a stunning natural scene in your garden with these rock garden ideas. The dainty scale of the plants allows for great versatility in design, adapting to just about any size the grower desires. See great ideas and dazzling photos of rock gard

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Balance formal and informal in your garden and create a spot of English countryside with a formal carpet bed, an avenue of pleached limes, an ornamental pond and fountain or a well-filled perennial border. Read more about English gardens.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


Hoya, also known as wax plant and porcelain flower has fragrant starlike flowers borne in thick clusters. It is very easy to care for but may take a few years to bloom well. Read more.

By Larry Hodgson

House plants can fill your home with the color and beauty of the outside. This extensive article covers all aspects of house plant care, including lighting, watering, temperature, fertilizing and preventing diseases and pests.

By Larry Hodgson