Heating and Cooling

Heating and cooling ultimately determines the comfort of a home. Learn how to troubleshoot heating and cooling and how to fix and maintain HVAC systems.

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Heating systems are usually trouble-free. But no matter what type of furnace you have, there are several things you can do to keep the system in top condition. Learn how to maintain a furnace.

By Fix-It Club

A heat pump not only heats your home during the winter, it also cools it during the summer. Proper maintenance is important. Find out how to troubleshoot a heat pump.

By Walter Curtis

Hot water and steam systems work similarly, and are still used in existing homes. Some routine maintenance is required to keep them working properly. Learn how to troubleshoot a hot water and steam system.

By Walter Curtis


A thermostat is a highly sensitive control instrument that responds to even the slightest changes in temperature. It can be a source of some frustrating problems. Learn how to maintain a thermostat.

By Walter Curtis

Heating systems keep our homes warm during the winter, and air conditioning keeps us cool in summer. But do you know how HVAC systems work?

By Walter Curtis & Desiree Bowie

Heating and cooling systems are usually trouble-free and easy to maintain. No matter what type of systems you have, there are several things you can do to keep them in top condition. Learn more with the information inside this article.

By Walter Curtis

A forced-air distribution system is just what the name implies. Air is forced from the furnace through ducts to registers in various rooms. Learn to troubleshoot a forced-air distribution system.

By Walter Curtis


Heating systems are usually trouble-free. But no matter what type of furnace you have, there are several things you can do to keep the system in top condition. Learn how to maintain a furnace.

By Fix-It Club & Patrick E. George

With all of the parts involved, fireplaces can lose more heat than they provide. However, there are tools, tricks and green options so you can enjoy the look and warmth of a traditional fireplace.

By John Kelly

Wood stoves have evolved quite a bit from their potbellied ancestors. Today's wood stoves are clean and efficient, and have several environmental arguments on their side.

By Eleanor Duse