Home Improvement

Home improvement is much easier when you are well-informed. Learn about home improvement, home safety and home maintenance.

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A few years ago, the construction market was at an all-time high. But the recession brought with it a huge downturn in the real estate market. So if you're stuck in your house, how about sprucing it up?

By Emilie Sennebogen

For the bibliophile, nothing is more delicious than shelves stocked full of books. But that can be wearing to the eye, detrimental to the books and horrifying to interior decorators the world over.

By Heather Kolich

While this may not be the best real estate market around, it is a good time to spend some money on your home to improve its value. But what should you do to get the most return on your investment?

By Emilie Sennebogen & Melanie Radzicki McManus


Lipstick-stained carpet. Orange shag carpet. Carpet that's seen one too many instances of puppy incontinence. It seems a shame to toss it out, but can you recycle it?

By Cristen Conger

If you haven't heard of exterior insulation before, chances are you've seen it without knowing it. But what makes it different from interior insulation (besides where it's located)? And what does it have to do with post-World War II Germany?

By Echo Surina

The kitchen is arguably the most popular room in the house. It could also yield the most amount of money of any home improvement project. But what could have your profits headed down the drain?

By Sara Elliott

Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. But with a little foresight and planning, you can safeguard your home against floodwaters.

By Cristen Conger


This decoupage lampshade lighting project adds a unique element to your home's decor. Learn to make a decoupage lampshade at HowStuffWorks.

Keeping your living space presentable and sanitary can sometimes feel like a daunting task -- it seems as if there are always more cleaning projects than time in the day! Learn these green home cleaning tips to keep your house naturally fresh.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

According to the sensationalist media, our kitchens are about to kill us. Reasonable daily care and attention, using some very basic cleaning ingredients, can make your kitchen as clean and shiny as it needs to be.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

The bathroom is a place where your primary cleaning MO might be about controlling germs, and rightly so. Learn how to clean those germs in an eco-friendly manner.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


Laundry can seem like an endless task. This article offers a few practical laundry rules for you to follow, including energy-, labor-, and product-saving tips.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Making hardwood flooring decisions can be intimidating. Explore hardwood flooring tips and options at HowStuffWorks.

Construction has come a long way from the mud huts or canvas tents early man. But what materials should be used to keep that roof securely over our heads?

By Sara Elliott

With the Internet as our guide, it seems as though no job is too large for our capable hands. But there are five jobs you should step away from and call a professional.

By Emilie Sennebogen


It may seem like one of the more boring aspects of home maintenance, but putting a good roof on your home can save you loads of money down the road. What's the best way to save on energy costs?

By Stephanie Watson

Knowing what to expect from a contractor will help you avoid making mistakes. Learn 5 things you should expect from a contractor at HowStuffWorks.

By Cristen Conger

Starting a home renovation project and not sure how to cut porcelain tile? With the right tools and approach, you can master this expensive and tricky ceramic work.

By Eleanor Duse

Need to trace a circuit in your home without knocking holes in the wall? Consumers have a few handy tools available that can detect electrical current and match two ends of a wire without headaches.

By Rosalind Jackson & Talon Homer


The search for tranquility can sometimes seem never-ending. But your very own fountain can at least help you get a little peace, quiet and relaxation.

By Eleanor Duse

You've probably heard the green mantra: reduce, reuse, recycle. Those three actions aren't limited to your kitchen trash; they can be applied to renovations, too.

By Emilie Sennebogen

You meet with a contractor to go over the plans and budgets. He shows up to start the job, and he's got three different companies with him. So what are you paying him for?

By Heather Kolich

Replacing a drain trap is easy if you follow the proper steps.


You rely on your chimney to channel smoke up and out of your house. Therefore, when the outside or inside walls of your chimney crack, you could encounter some serious problems.

By Chris Marlowe

If you have a garage so cluttered that you dread the thought of trying to squeeze an automobile into it, you just might need a storage shed.

By Andrew Aguecheek