Home Improvement

Home improvement is much easier when you are well-informed. Learn about home improvement, home safety and home maintenance.

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Being on a budget doesn't have to mean going without your favorite items. You can potentially save money on every shopping trip just by becoming an organized coupon user. What's the right way to get started?

By Sarah Rutland

If you have boxes of printed photos and a computer full of digital ones, it's time to get organized. What are the best ways to organize photographs?

By Rebecca Regan

If your recipe box is a mess and you can never find the recipes you need, it's time to get organized. What are some simple ways to organize your recipes?

By Gina Fisher


If you're an impulse shopper, or if you often forget to purchase items you need from the grocery store, you may benefit from an organized shopping list. What are some simple ways to organize your list?

By Sarah Rutland

If you have a pile of bank statements, birth certificates and social security cards that you're not sure what to do with, it's time to get organized. How should you file and store these important documents?

By Kalynn Bardolph

It's usually easy to see when your desk gets cluttered, but the files on your computer can build up before you realize it and slow down your work.

By Kalynn Bardolph

When you have so many tasks to complete each day, it can be hard to decide what to tackle first. What strategic plans and organizing tools can help you sort out your daily to-do list?

By Kalynn Bardolph


If you find yourself having to search everywhere for a hammer or a screwdriver every time you need to make a small repair, it may be time to organize your tools. How should your storage methods differ depending on the type of tool?

By Alexander Page

Children's playrooms are often cluttered places with toys strewn across the floor, but organizing your kids' toys can be a simple task they'll appreciate. What is the best way to organize toys?

By Sarah Rutland

If your attic looks more like a disaster area than a storage space, it may be time to sort through your stuff and get organized. What's the best way to organize an attic?

By Sarah Rutland

If your closet is overflowing, you might need to organize your clothing by season. How do you get started, and what's the best way to store out-of-season clothes?

By Eileen Duncan


Most of us know that a house must have a well-insulated building envelope to be structurally sound. But we may not know how important this shell really is. These are 10 types of insulation that can protect your home.

By Echo Surina

As the way people work continues to evolve, telecommuting is becoming a more common option. How can working remotely benefit you and your employer?

By Jessica Brown

Keeping your pool sparkling clean doesn't have to be as cumbersome as you might think. The secret to pristine pool health is regular, routine care. These 10 maintenance tips will keep your pool in tip-top shape.

By Echo Surina

When you think of cork, your first thought may be popping a nice bottle of champagne or wine. But if you're into the latest decorating trends, you may think of a cork floor.

By Jessica Brown


Look almost anywhere, and you'll see things made from wood. Harvesting that much wood can have devastating effects on forests and environments. Fortunately, some of the hardwoods that are most popular can be sustained in your own backyard.

By Heather Kolich

When the days start getting shorter and your thoughts turn to sitting around the fireplace instead of standing around the outdoor grill, it's time to invest a weekend on fall cleaning. You'll be glad you did when you hunker down for the cold weather.

By Sara Elliott

If you've got the time and the will for a huge cleaning spree every few months, then go for it. What tidying up should be done between seasons?

By Debra Ronca

When you think of your kitchen cleaning, you probably dwell on details such as the countertops and appliances. But the tool you use to clean could spread more bacteria than what's already there.

By Emilie Sennebogen


Owning a home can be a dream come true, but it's more than just relaxing weekends on the deck and intimate evenings in front of the fireplace. That's right; you have to work at it to keep it running smoothly.

By Sara Elliott

Power tools make home improvements, repairs and maintenance that much easier -- if they work properly. Are you giving your power tools the care and attention they need to last you a lifetime?

By Echo Surina

Got your sledgehammer in hand ready to tear down the wall between rooms that never made much sense to you? Well, unless you're willing to spend unwanted money on repairs, put the sledgehammer down.

By Emilie Sennebogen

Whether you're frightened or fascinated by insects, you can probably agree they don't belong in your home. But how can you keep something so small from worming its way into your walls?

By Bambi Turner


There's something about wallpaper removal that frustrates even the most enthusiastic home improvement hobbyists. Luckily, you can find fast and effective ways to remove wallpaper in this article.

By Echo Surina

If you want to make your outdoor space more appealing, a little creativity and some planning is all you really need to get started. Fresh air and sunshine are already in place, so you just need to add finishing touches.

By Sara Elliott & Natalie Kilgore