Home Improvement

Home improvement is much easier when you are well-informed. Learn about home improvement, home safety and home maintenance.

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Granite countertops make lovely additions to any home, but they can become unsightly if you don't know how to clean them properly. We'll show you how.

By Marie Willsey

Don't wait until there are storms in the forecast to get prepared. Gather the 10 must-have items for your storm survival kit now.

By John Perritano

If ants ever invade your house or yard, you'll be well-armed for dealing with the problem -- and keeping your pets safe -- if you follow this set of anti-infestation tips.

By Christopher Lampton


With today's growing number of bed bug infestations, buying secondhand furniture has taken on a whole new meaning. But we have some tips to keep you bargain hunting.

By Sara Elliott

With nightmare stories of infestations, the old adage, "don't let the bed bugs bite," went from a harmless rhyme to an actual warning overnight. If you're on the road, how do you protect your belongings from these roach-like parasites?

By Julia Layton

Even Michelangelo had to deal with efflorescence -- white deposits that appear on masonry -- while painting the Sistine Chapel. What causes this unsightly problem, and how can you address it if it shows up on the surfaces of your home?

By John Kelly

Deck fireplaces are "hot" outdoor accessories! We've five tips for installing one of these fireplaces on your personal patio.

By Alia Hoyt


If you want to scare a homeowner, there's one sure way to do it: Mention the word termite. It's important to always keep an eye out for them. Here's what to look for.

By Sara Elliott

Wall switches help us turn on and power a wide variety of lights, fixtures and appliances. But what if a wall switch were to stop working? Learn how to replace a wall switch with the information in this article.

Has your lamp mysteriously stopped working? Don't through it away. It may only need to be rewired. Save yourself some cash and learn how to rewire a lamp with these easy to follow steps.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Toothpaste is for cleaning your pearly whites, right? True, but there are other cool uses for it that you may not know about. Here are nine of them.

By Alia Hoyt