Home Improvement

Home improvement is much easier when you are well-informed. Learn about home improvement, home safety and home maintenance.

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Super glue is strong glue that bonds almost instantly. Learn why super glue is so strong in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

A prototype is like a model of an idea for a new product. Learn what prototypes are in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

If the mosquitoes have been keeping you away from your picnic table, you might consider a bug zapper. Find out if they really work in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors


Mosquito magnets can be extremely effective if they’re put in the right place, set up properly and tuned to attract the right species of mosquitoes. Learn whether mosquito magnets are effective in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Microorganisms in the soil convert organic waste to compost when they have the right amount of oxygen and water. Learn how organic waste converts to compost in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

If you are going to have your own swimming pool you need to make sure it's kept clean. Learn more about the importance of pool filters in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Installing a new garage door can be tricky, so make sure you know what you're getting into before taking on the challenge.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors


Installing an automatic garage door is complicated and dangerous, and should probably be left for a professional. Learn whether it's hard to install an automatic garage door in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

You love your house, but you are B-O-R-E-D. Living with the same decor season in and season out can leave even the most well-dressed room looking tired. Changing it can reinvigorate you and your space, without killing your wallet.

By Sara Elliott

You're building a new home and want to make it supremely green. Consider the LEED rating system as your guide to building an ultimately eco-friendly abode.

By Matt Sailor

For a lot of people, there just isn't time to clean the whole house, top to bottom, every week. That's where the convenience of a maid service comes in. What risks are you taking by hiring someone else to do the dirty work?

By Sara Elliott


Hemp as a building material might seem like a fairy tale, but it's not. One of the most common uses of industrial hemp is actually insulation, and it can help cut down your energy bills. So why is hemp so prohibitively expensive in the United States?

By John Perritano

Homeowners are now beginning to discover the color of home insulation isn't just pink. It can also be green -- as in eco-friendly. But does it cost an arm and a leg?

By John Perritano

Some homeowners are opting for eco-friendly tools to lower their electricity usage and stop stressing the power grid. Others vow to cut down on oil and gas. So what are some of the best green tools on the market?

By Denise Harrison

As housing prices rise and people become more concerned about their environmental footprints, green construction has been gaining popularity. So what are some unique, eco-friendly alternative housing ideas?

By Becky Striepe


With the increase in "green building," cool roofs are becoming popular. These are roofs that have been built or modified to maintain a lower temperature in bright sun. We'll examine some of the many ways you can cool your roof.

By Beth Brindle & Melanie Radzicki McManus

Building a new home is the perfect time to add green features that will help you lower your energy costs. But choosing the right ones isn't always easy. Here are 10 to help make the decision process a bit easier.

By Danielle Fisher

Recycled and reclaimed materials are becoming popular construction options as people look for greener ways to build. But could building a recycled home be as simple as stacking up the bottles from your recycling bin?

By Rebecca Fairley Raney

The drive for energy-efficient building comes down to a quest for the so-called tight envelope, which you can often achieve using renewable, recycled material. What are some of the latest energy-efficient building materials?

By Rebecca Fairley Raney


The first real line of defense against the heat is a building's roof. And some materials are better than others -- especially in hot climates. See which ones are best at keeping the heat at bay.

By Terri Briseno

When it comes to roofing, materials matter -- especially in a hot climate. So when it comes down to asphalt shingles or a metal roof, which really is better?

By Terri Briseno

It's so easy to shut the door to your bathroom and tell yourself you'll clean it tomorrow. But tomorrow comes and goes, and the bathroom is still dirty. Do a little a day and you won't need to shut that door anymore.

By Emilie Sennebogen

Today's homeowners are more aware than ever of the demands their appliances, lawns and heating and cooling needs have on the planet's limited supply of fossil fuels. So what are some affordable eco-friendly home improvements?

By Matt Cunningham


Although tearing down a house and recycling the building materials is more expensive and time consuming than outright demolition, it is far better for the environment. While not every bit of it can -- or even should -- be recycled, read on to find out the top 10 things that can.

By John Perritano

Your DVD player provides you with countless hours of entertainment, so all we ask is that you devote a few minutes to cleaning it every now and then. If that seems like a pretty even trade, read on to learn the best care for your DVD player.

By Gallagher Flinn