Home Improvement

Home improvement is much easier when you are well-informed. Learn about home improvement, home safety and home maintenance.

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If you're a movie buff that can't bear to part with an old-school videotape collection, then you've probably got a VCR somewhere in your house. But to keep those tapes in good condition, you'll need to clean your player -- the right way.

By Emilie Sennebogen

It's a vicious circle: You'll be more productive with a clean workspace, but who has time to stop and clean their workspace? If you do a little everyday, you'd be amazed at how simple it really is.

By Emilie Sennebogen

With as much time as you spend at your computer, it should come as no surprise that it's covered in germs. So what's the best way to clean your keyboard and keep it sanitary?

By Stephanie Crawford


Have you been bitten by the DIY bug? A lot of us have, and it's a great time to get started on your basement. Whether you're finishing it or renovating it, there are some tools you'll want to have handy.

By Emilie Sennebogen

Winter has set in, and the fireplace logs have come out. But along with those warm, romantic fires in the hearth, you'll also get soot, ash and grime. Not to worry, though. We have tips to keep your fireplace fire-ready.

By Emilie Sennebogen

After months of searching, you've found the perfect piece of antique glass to complement your decor. At least you think it's perfect. It's a little hard to tell due to the years of built-up dust and grime. Our tips can help you get it in tip-top shape.

By Sara Elliott

There's a long-running joke that people use about not cleaning windows. But there's a reason the joke is popular and the chore is feared. It's a hard job. Could newspapers make it easier?

By Emilie Sennebogen


Cleaning the bathroom can be pain, but cleaning the shower door has got to be just about the worst part of it. How can you get rid of those streaks, spots and maybe even that faint green tinge?

By Julia Layton

Getting tape and glue off glass sometimes seems impossible. The adhesive bonds so tightly to the surface, it takes a ton of work to scrape off a little spot. Fortunately, there are some unusual tricks to make it easier.

By Laurie L. Dove

At least part of your life revolves around your home office. That life can get chaotic in a hurry if your office is a mess. Don't worry, though: If you've got 48 hours and a little patience, we can fix that for you.

By Stephanie Watson

More than two million homes were built at the height of the housing boom. That means that a lot of contractors had to construct a lot of homes -- and cut a few corners -- to fulfill an insatiable demand. Of course, some things went wrong. Here are five possible culprits.

By Dave Roos


When you have pets in your home, taking care of your carpet can be a hassle: dealing with pet hair, urine stains and wear and tear is a never-ending job. But did you know that some carpeting is made just for the challenges pet owners face?

By Carol White

Your bundle of joy will arrive shortly, so painting and decorating are at the top of your to-do list. But what about flooring? Is new carpet safe for babies, and will it be ruined with stains before the year's out? How do you know which carpet is best?

By Carol White

No matter how clean you are, allergens are going to get into your house and settle to the floor. So, how can you ensure that they don't thrive? It's all about the carpet.

By Brian Boone

He runs a mysterious universe where clothes soak in chemical baths and hundreds of hanging plastic bags march in formation at the push of a button. We take you inside your dry cleaner's world and explain why it costs $7 to clean your silk shirt.

By Gallagher Flinn


After a long day at the office, there's nothing like coming home, kicking off your shoes, and digging your toes into a nice, soft carpet. So how do you pick the perfect one?

By Clint Pumphrey

Out of sight, out of mind, so the saying goes. Maybe that's why the choice of a carpet's cushion is often overlooked. But picking the right pad can help you maximize your carpet's performance and appearance.

By John Kelly

Most of the information you need to understand your carpet is conveniently included on a label. But in order to understand that label, you'll need to get a little familiar with the jargon and what each detail means for the life of your carpet.

By Jane McGrath

Wallpaper used to be the go-to option for spicing up a room, but in recent decades it's fallen out of favor in lieu of paint. But now it's back with a bang, and it's like nothing you've ever seen before.

By Emilie Sennebogen


When you lay your head on your pillow, your bed may be harboring insect invaders. From hungry mosquitoes to thirsty fleas, there are lots of critters around that think your bedroom is a banquet hall when it comes to eating in style.

By Sara Elliott

Structural loss of heating and air conditioning can be a major expense for any home or business. Learn about an insulation material called Icynene, and see how it compares to traditional insulation methods.

By Susan Sherwood, Ph.D.

With so many different colors, materials and designs available, it can be difficult to choose the best carpet for your home. These 10 tips can help you protect your investment and figure out which carpet is right for you.

By Bambi Turner & Melanie Radzicki McManus

Between kids, pets and everyday life, your carpet sometimes takes a beating. How can stain-resistant carpet help you keep your floors clean without hours of work?

By Echo Surina


Don't despair when laundry day comes. With these 5 easy tips, you'll have the power to get your clean laundry looking, feeling and smelling the best it can.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Rachael Schultz

Don't let dust and streaks distract from your enjoyment of that late-morning sunlight. Help your windows and mirrors look clear, bright and spotless with our 5 simple tricks.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Rachael Schultz