Home Improvement

Home improvement is much easier when you are well-informed. Learn about home improvement, home safety and home maintenance.

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You just converted your wood fireplace to a gas one, and you don't know how to arrange the logs to get the best results. Learn how to arrange your gas logs from this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Sterling silver is beautiful, especially when it's clean and shiny. Learn about how to clean sterling silver in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Whether you're measuring inches or centimeters, reading a ruler is a pretty straightforward task.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors


You've found ants in your home and want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. There are lots of ways to do this, most of them natural.

By Francisco Guzman

Be the master of your domain and fix your leaky bathtub faucet yourself. Learn about how to fix a leaky bathtub faucet in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Knowing how to unclog a toilet can come in handy. Learn how to unclog a toilet in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Cleaning your suede will keep it looking fresh and nice. Learn about how to clean suede in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors


You need to kill gnats, but you're not sure how to do it. Learn about how to kill gnats in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

You might not know how to clean a dishwasher but you should. Because when you clean yours, it will function better so your dishes will be cleaner, too.

By Alia Hoyt & Jeremy Glass

You probably want ladybugs in your garden. But how do you keep them out of your house? We'll tell you exactly how.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

You'd like to clean a DVD, but you're not sure how. Learn how to clean a DVD in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors


You were told to be careful when you clean a flat screen TV. Read this article and learn how to clean a flat screen TV.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

You got nail polish on your carpet. Does that mean it's ruined? Not necessarily. We'll tell you how you can salvage it.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

During the late summer months, fruit flies can become the bane of your existence. Here are some great tips for controlling and, ultimately, eradicating them from your kitchen.

By Jesslyn Shields

Does living in a house with no cold drafts, no temperature variations, and, virtually no heating or cooling bills sound too good to be true? Well it's possible in a passive house. See what some of the other benefits of this building standard are.

By Beth Brindle


The smell of paint usually gives away the fact that you're probably breathing in something that's bad for your health. But you might not know just how right your nasal signals are. How dangerous are the VOCs in paint?

By Sarah Alban

In a passive house, winter woes (or summer highs) are a thing of the past. Why? Because they're built to maintain comfortable indoor conditions without a conventional furnace, boiler or HVAC system. Read on to see how.

By Beth Brindle

Clean energy technology is more advanced than ever before and can be as beneficial for your wallet as it is for the Earth. But what exactly is green construction technology?

By Wesley Fenlon

Freon AC is a colorless gas that absorbs heat and humidity. But it's being phased out in the United States, so what does your AC unit use to keep cool?

By Mitch Ryan


Sewage that is left untreated can have a deadly impact on the environment. Learn how dangerous sewage is in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Green homes have come a long way from the prototypes (and stereotypes) of the early days. Now you can find eco-friendly architecture that is as attractive as it is comfortable.

By Terri Briseno

Whether you've bought a new house or just need a change, the most dramatic impact you can make is in the color of the walls. What are some important things to consider before you head out to purchase house paint?

By Jacob Clifton

While pipe replacement should be carried out by a professional, there are pipe repairs that DIY plumbers can do alone. Learn how you can fix your own pipes in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors


It's not much fun dealing with clogged drains, but in many cases you don't need to pay a plumber to fix them for you. Learn how you can unblock drains yourself in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

Air Krete is a cement-based insulation product whose primary component is magnesium oxide. But what makes Air Krete different from other types of insulation?

By Garth Sundem