Home Improvement

Home improvement is much easier when you are well-informed. Learn about home improvement, home safety and home maintenance.

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There's just something about sitting in front of a fire that soothes the soul. And electric fireplaces make whiling the hours away in front of those flickering flames as simple as flipping a switch.

By Wendy Bowman

Meteorologists have hurricane prediction down to a science, so preparedness should be the same thing too. Find out how to be ready if the big one's coming.

By Alison Cooper & John Perritano

Pressure washing can be so satisfying on some primal level, but the right equipment makes all the difference. And remember, safety first.

By John Perritano


Between their survival skills and their natural intelligence, rats have been outsmarting us for centuries. But since they carry a lot of diseases, we'd really like to be rid of them. An expert tell us the best ways.

By Nathan Chandler

A simple rinse of the mug may not be enough to keep germs at bay.

By Alia Hoyt

Hydrogen peroxide is most likely in your first-aid kit. But it can be deployed for a whole variety of cleaning, gardening and beauty purposes you may have never ever thought of.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

Drywall can withstand only limited abuse. We'll tell you how to repair small and large holes that inevitably occur from years of wear and tear.

By John Perritano


We've all accidentally put something in the dryer that we shouldn't have. If a garment comes out two sizes small, follow our tips for ways to unshrink it.

By Alia Hoyt

It seems counterintuitive to wash new garments before wearing them. After all, they're brand-new and look clean! But there's a lot more going on behind the clothing scenes than we realize.

By Alia Hoyt

Many people instinctively turn on a light outside their homes when they're going to be out in hopes of stopping people from breaking in. But interviews with burglars tell a different story about what really deters them.

By Dave Roos

When it rains, it pours. And when that rain pours into your basement, that's bad news. But there are ways to keep that rain out. We'll tell you how.

By John Perritano


You know to clean toilets and wash dishes, but some things aren't as obviously in need of a good scrubdown. Take this quiz to find out how your cleaning skills stack up.

By Alia Hoyt

All those dust mites, body oils and drool do a number on the cleanliness of your pillow. Grossed out yet?

By Alia Hoyt

Once a month might be good for washing your car, but your bedsheets could stand a little more care.

By Alia Hoyt

While laywomen give answers ranging from "after every use" to "once a month," experts have a definite number.

By Alia Hoyt


Answer: A lot less time than you're probably thinking.

By Alia Hoyt

They blend right into their neighborhoods, but hidden inside are systems integral to maintaining a city.

By Yves Jeffcoat

Thinking about moving to a tiny house but not sure you'll love it? Or maybe you're just wondering what all the hype is about. We've got answers to all your questions.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

You've probably been irritated by jackhammer noise at some point, but have you ever stopped to think about these marvels of concrete-busting power? Without them, demolition would be a whole lot more difficult.

By Nathan Chandler


Our world is full of insects, and our first response to seeing one is usually to reach for a can of spray to zap it. Is this good idea? What's in your typical can of bug spray? And, could it harm you, too?

By Beth Brindle

Is one gallon of paint the same as the next? Not really. Find out if you can use that interior latex you fell in love with on the outside of your house, too.

By Maria Trimarchi

Painting the outside of your house can seem pretty daunting, but you can save a lot of money doing it yourself. This article will give you the tools to get started.

By Dave Roos

It takes more than a can of paint and a brush or roller to paint the outside of your house. Here are some other must-have tools to make the job look more professional.

By Laurie L. Dove


Your home is your castle, but unlike a castle, it probably requires a couple of coats of paint now and again. How frequent should your paint jobs be, and why?

By Maria Trimarchi

The middle of an emergency is a lousy time to realize that fire extinguishers are more than a point-and-shoot proposition. Think you could manage one that you lob at the local inferno?

By Nicholas Gerbis